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Howlite's vibration stimulates energies in the area of the ear canals and nasal passages. Placing Howlite stones on these areas can assist with opening, clearing, and maintaining equilibrium.

Howlite also works well with the energetic patterning of the eyes; particularly, inner vision; again, stimulating inner vision to produce a clear image in the mind’s eye. In this respect, Howlite is a must for dreamers and astral travelers!


Howlite can be of great assistance in developing the more subtle senses, such as the ability to see and hear vibrational frequencies beyond physical perception (clairvoyance and clairaudience), as well as, the ability to smell or detect scent on those levels (clairalience).



On its own, Howlite doesn’t penetrate very deeply into the emotional layers, but when coupled with another crystal, such as Ruby, its vibration can gain access into the emotional depths and generate a clear image in the mind’s eye of the issues held within.


Being a porous stone, you may find a lot of dyed Howlite (as well as, Magnesite) on the market in a variety of colours. The favoured dye colour is blue, so the stone can then be passed off as Turquoise. The dye, however, does not have an effect on Howlite's innate abilities. 


This heart measures approx. 5cm wide x 4.5cm tall

Howlite Good Luck Pocket Stone (Dyed)

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