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The yellow Crazy Lace Agate (also known as, Mexican Agate), with its free flow banding has a calm, serene, vibration that aligns readily with the solar plexus chakra. You can see that it brings in threads of the orange and brown sacral chakra hues, telling us it’s great for grounding and it has a very creative nature. These particular pieces are quite heavy and dense for their size, which tells they have a strong frequency, capable of traveling deeply into the system when used as a healing stone.


The sparkling, druzy cave in the palm stone certainly brings on a smile. There is a druzy cave in the heart as well, and although it’s not open, it shows the abundance of silica content within the stone. While sitting with the heart-shaped piece, I found it did indeed calm the energies of the solar plexus, and it also felt very soothing sitting on my throat chakra with its point facing upward, directing its energies out through its tip toward my head area. This lovely pair feel like they want to stay together and I can’t bring myself to let them go separately.


The heart measures approx: 8cm wide x 6cm high (3" W x 2.3" H)

The palm stone measures approx: 6cm in length x 5.5cm wide (2.3" L x 2.1" H)

Yellow Crazy Lace Agate Heart & Palm Stone

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