These two pieces are quite translucent and clear!
Amethyst just oozes that sense of welcome—as if your very presence is desired and appreciated. This automatically boosts your self-esteem and self-worth! With its magnetic, drawing energy, it's a lovely crystal to have sitting near your front door to welcome friends, family and guests. As a placement stone elsewhere in the home, Amethyst will bring in a sense of purity and draw focus to otherwise, empty, dull areas.
As a transmitter, Amethyst can assist you in opening the crown chakra and re-establishing a clear connection to the Divine. Amethyst contains the centering ability of Rose Quartz, as it contains the pink hue. Amethyst aids in clarity of thought and vision processes, articulation and conscious understanding.
Wearing Amethyst or carrying it in an amulet bag is helpful to keep your mind clear and uncluttered. Placing Amethyst on any of the lower chakras helps to bridge communication between the mental and emotional bodies, assisting you to better understand and appreciate your emotional self.
Used in ceremonial bowls or on altars, its frequency brings clarity to the intent of the ceremony. Its vibration also stimulates taste and appetite centers within the human system. And for those interested in communicating with off-planet beings, folklore tells of how some cultures used Amethyst to connect to and receive information directly from the cosmos.
As you can see in the photo, the double-terminated Amethyst crystal contains a natural small window. It measures apporox 6cm long x 2.5cm wide (2.3"L x .9"W). The gemmy Purple Amethyst heart measures approx 5.5cm wide x 4cm high (2.1" wide x 1.5" high).
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