the seven major energy centers : : chakras
Contained within what we refer to as the major chakras is actually the pattern or blueprint of our soul. Seven energy centers aligned in a precise order create the electric/magnetic energy patterns that in turn, draw the physical molecular structure to itself forming our physical body—spirit made manifest in human form. As long as those centers are vibrating fully with life-force, we are alive and well. An understanding of the basic patterns inherent within each center will help you to further comprehend your own healing and balancing movements.
Just as light flows through a crystal and differentiates out into different rays of colour; you also shine your life-force through to the earth plane, creating the rainbow of your soul. This manifests as the energy field we call the aura. The physical reflection of your aura is your physical body.
Within the aura are the seven energy vortexes that are perceived as spinning wheels that we call chakras. There are, of course, many, many chakras within the system—even chakras within chakras—but we will explore and work with what we know to be the seven major ones.
These chakras funnel out from your body like tornadoes, front and back, from specific areas as your soul light flows through and is differentiated and organized into the different rays or frequencies of colour. What energies are present in your chakras in relation to balance or imbalances, again, are reflected in your aura and in your physical body.
The top three chakras are the mental centers. They are electric in nature and are considered masculine. The bottom three are the emotional centers. They are magnetic in nature and considered feminine. Together, they reflect our electromagnetic energy fields. The middle, Heart Chakra, allows for communication between the upper and lower chakras, as it also seeks and reflects the balance between them.
The context of the terms upper and lower do not mean greater and lesser chakra. No one can exist from the neck up anymore than they can from the belly down—and no one lives without a heart. If you were to form the vertical line of chakra centers into a circle or fetal position, you can see that the purple and red chakras are naturally side-by-side.
Below is a description of the seven chakra centers beginning at the top of the head. Understand that it is the very essence of these centers that draw to them the physical characteristics that create our body parts and our manifested reality.
Realizing that your body is the manifested reality of these energy systems, you can begin to understand how your life unfolds around you by how these vibrations affect your outer reality. A further study of ourselves give us the ability to influence this unfolding in alignment with our highest potential of health, vitality and life.
Within the aura are the seven energy vortexes that are perceived as spinning wheels that we call chakras. There are, of course, many, many chakras within the system—even chakras within chakras—but we will explore and work with what we know to be the seven major ones.
These chakras funnel out from your body like tornadoes, front and back, from specific areas as your soul light flows through and is differentiated and organized into the different rays or frequencies of colour. What energies are present in your chakras in relation to balance or imbalances, again, are reflected in your aura and in your physical body.
The top three chakras are the mental centers. They are electric in nature and are considered masculine. The bottom three are the emotional centers. They are magnetic in nature and considered feminine. Together, they reflect our electromagnetic energy fields. The middle, Heart Chakra, allows for communication between the upper and lower chakras, as it also seeks and reflects the balance between them.
The context of the terms upper and lower do not mean greater and lesser chakra. No one can exist from the neck up anymore than they can from the belly down—and no one lives without a heart. If you were to form the vertical line of chakra centers into a circle or fetal position, you can see that the purple and red chakras are naturally side-by-side.
Below is a description of the seven chakra centers beginning at the top of the head. Understand that it is the very essence of these centers that draw to them the physical characteristics that create our body parts and our manifested reality.
Realizing that your body is the manifested reality of these energy systems, you can begin to understand how your life unfolds around you by how these vibrations affect your outer reality. A further study of ourselves give us the ability to influence this unfolding in alignment with our highest potential of health, vitality and life.
Beginning at the top of the head, we have the Crown Chakra, emitting the purple ray. This chakra is perceived as funneling out and upward toward the sky. It relates to the receptive centers in the brain and skull and receives inspiration, direct messages and information surrounding you from your everyday life in the form of thought.
This chakra is fast-moving and quick-changing and it is your connection to the masculine aspect of the Creator. It is where information is brought from outside of you for the rest of your system to utilize and is your direct link to your higher self, to spirit and the cosmos.
Moving into the Third Eye Chakra, emitting the indigo ray, this chakra center is where we process and understand information received through electrical impulse from the Crown Chakra, as well as, from the rest of the system. It is here that we put into visual form, the sentences and the songs, the plans and patterns, that we wish to manifest and comprehend. You can imagine this chakra as an artist's indigo-coloured, blank canvas, upon which incoming information is painted, or the night sky upon which the stars are given form.
Emanating the blue ray, we have the Throat Chakra. Our communication center is responsible for taking in and sending out. The voice box is where we can articulate or put into expression that which is received from above, into words, or from below, into emotional sound—or both, into song. We take in nourishment here for processing in the body, we take in and expel breath, and we express our current personality—putting forth the blueprints that we wish to create in the outer reality.
Heart Chakra holds the balance point between the active and receptive principles; the electric and magnetic or the spirit and the will. All information from the mental chakras must flow through the heart to reach the emotional centers and vice versa. (Though green is widely accepted as the colour of heart, I will often apply pink to the heart chakra. I consider pink, with its soft, loving, frequency to be a balanced colour, a heart colour, representing the heart of the Mother of All Things.)
When our hearts chakra is open and receptive and allows free movement of all impulses, we have alignment, and can create a living organism that is both active and receptive and brimming with vitality.
Heart chakra pulses the green ray from our chest right out through our arms and hands where we give to and receive from the world outside of us. It is through the heart that we can create all of our potential into a well-balanced, manifested reality.
Yellow as sunshine, our Solar Plexus can be called the seat of the soul. When information comes from the belly, just like nourishment, we can feel what is good for us and what isn’t because our gut instincts guide us, telling us what we like and what we don’t. This place of discernment feels everything out and responds to it.
If these feelings make it up through the heart uncensored, we can learn to understand them, verbalize them, and therefore, set boundaries and create positive changes in our lives.
Also known as the Sexual Chakra, the orange center relates to creation. Held here are all of the blueprints of possibility and your entire history as a soul since the beginning of creation. This is also the incubation place of all potential of your soul. It is in this center that you place your plans for the future, nurture them to life, and move them out into expression with your passion.
Also referred to as the Base or Kundalini Chakra, this energy vortex spirals downward from your body toward the earth. This center relates to the feminine aspect of the Creator. All is born through the feminine—it is here that brings through all life and all of the fundamental elements needed to exist. This is the source of the vital life-force that keeps you alive in your body and in alignment with health and prosperity.
Root Chakra is your direct connection with the planet herself, as your body is made of the same stuff. It is through this center that you are held in time and place as you flow along in tandem with Earth’s many rhythms and impulses, experiencing her magic. The greatest gift she has given you is your physical body. She is offering you the opportunity to co-create with her; to make manifest all the dreams held within your soul—and the possibilities are endless! How wonderful is that?
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